PT.Indo Baja Energi - Jual Pipa dan Valve

Complate Warehose

Untuk memenuhi kebutuhan Customer
Kami memiliki Warehose dan Workshop
Degan alat tes yang lengkap


Original Materials

Dalam memenuhi kepercayaan dan
kepuasan Konsumen kami memberikan
produk - produk yang original dan
kualiatas yang sesuai dengan standart

Customer Care

Demi menjamin kepuasan pelanggan
kami memiliki staff yang profesional
dan berpengalaman

PT. Indo Baja Energi

PT INDO BAJA ENERGI was established in 2018 with SK Kemenkumham No AHU-0230858.AH.01.11.2021 and NIB 3012210011162 and NPWP 53.743.841.8-111.000. We are a distributor with a lot of experience in the field of material procurement and construction services Mechanical piping and pipline system such as installation of pipes and valves and other accessories. Furthermore, to support the Government’s program, namely the massive National Infrastructure Development, PT INDO BAJA ENERGI will not stop promoting its business career in a professional manner and maintaining the reputation that we have built with Consumers who have given trust to us. PT. INDO BAJA ENERGI has worked together in the procurement of materials and Mechanical Construction especially PIPES, VALVES, PLATES, STIANLESS PRODUCTS AND FIRE PROTECTION with various types of industries such as Oil and Gas Industry, Mining Industry, Fertilizer Industry, Sugar Industry, Palm Oil Industry, Aluminum Industry, Energy Industry, Construction Industry, Water Industry and non-Industry such as Hotel Installation. PT. INDO BAJA ENERGI believes that our efforts and hard work will not end until this stage, with our motto that is FULL SATISFACTION we give commitment and attention and high standards for service to our customers.

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